Why Trump Won

Wow, yes he did it. He actually managed to make it THIS far. Truly astonishing. History has been made today, 9/11/2016, a day that I'm sure future year 10's will be revising for their GCSE  History exam. Quite frankly, a day that no one was prepared for... besides America, obviously.

Realistically, none of us thought that this man would actually become the US president. Whether it be the amount of "dank meme's" created or the UK's naivety, his position was always seen as some kind of joke. Trump was almost the picture of what NOT to say in the public eye. To our surprise, his lack of political correctness was admired. American's like that, honesty. Now I know how ridiculous this sounds, but Trump spoke his mind and sometimes after years of building a political democracy based upon lies and lies, people want someone who they know what they're getting. Trump portrayed that. It doesn't matter what he says, the Republican's will agree with him from now on. Now that they know that he's made it this far, Trump could say pretty much say anything and followers would cheer him on. This is purely due to the fact that America is fed up. Fed up not only of broken promises but of not knowing what they're getting. That is why there was a lack of trust in Hillary Clinton. Yes, she was a strong candidate with promising views, but there was always that little something that made her untrustworthy. I'm afraid in politics, trust from the public is the main basis of success. Now, I'm not saying that everyone agreed with the statements that Trump made, the amount ofin fact, most of his comments brought more hatred towards him, which indirectly funnelled the publicity of his campaign. But, the fact that Trump was hated so much gained him more followers, a tactic I'm not sure was planned or coincidentally happened. This further created the already existing divide between Hillary and Trump.
It would be extremely narrow-minded of me to say that gender was one of the main reasons for the outcome. But, let's just leave it with this. Donald Trump's chain of degrading and demeaning comments to women barely affected his position in the public's electoral decisions as he still managed to win. How can it be that a man characterised by homophobia and racism is now in charge of the USA when a feminist who's targets and ideals consist of equality within the world has lost? Hillary has made mistakes, yes. However, that doesn't conceal the never ending list of crude remarks and comments that Donald Trump has made - which seemed to not scrutinise his position at all. *Scratches head* Hmm, what a surprise that a man's career has not been risked or questioned. It is exactly these remarks and degrading comments from calling women "piece's of ass" to reducing Olympians to their looks, what funds this ideology and campaign. Not only has his remarks offended women worldwide, but encouraged protests and speeches made by Michelle Obama, urging for American's not to vote for Trump. a number ofprotests made over his position of being in the election in the first place, it would be naïve of me to think that the American's are completely safe for the time being.
America, let's hope that I am wrong and Trump proves his position as President of The United States worthy - wow, that's the first time I have actually said that sentence. There is nothing that us "haters" can do now to change the outcome or make him resign. I pray for the future and hope it is only prosperous.
