Circa Waves 4/5/18

I remember T-Shirt Weather. I remember singing this anthem in my room with Imogen. And the room was sweltering hot because it was summer weather...

HA, hope you didn't cringe as hard as I did as I sang those awful lyrics in my head.

Circa Waves, the tiype of band you listened to sat in your back garden with a bottle of kopperberg in your hand pretending like life was bliss and summer was always going to be sunny.

Definitely a summer band.

And definitely a band young 15 year old me lsitened to religiously in the summer of 2015. Can you believe that was 3 years ago?
That means Young Chasers came out three whole years ago!

One album (as well as multiple EP tracks) later, Circa Waves announced their tour.
Eigtheen year old me automically jumped with euphoria over the chance to be taken back to the beginning of my indie phase and relive my early youth.

Yes, I am aware I am only 18.

Anyways, to put a stop to the waffle. Circa Waves were eveything that i expected them to be. Brilliant.

The venue, The 02 Academy, Newcastle, was the perfect spot. Luckily, there was a fan that was blowing out cold air onto the crowd of sweaty meatheads. When I say meatheads I am aware that is an insult because no, no one can look good whilst jumping about a muggy air-tight room.
However, though the fan was a positive, it took away the shame of coming out of a gig with sweat dripping from your hair and makeup smudged down your face, which isn;t exactly the best for some people, but its all part of the journey. It's almost like a medal to show to others that you didn't stand throughout the gig being more bothered about messing up yout hair. You gave it your all.

You can probably guess the set list. A mixture of YOung Chasers and their new album, Different Creatures.

And of course finishing with the mighty 'T-shirt weather'.

Ah, the moment when the beginning guitar cords to that song were played, we all knew what was coming.

Of course, what is a gig without balancing Imogen on my shoulders against a vigorous crowd.

What you would expect with gigs like this is the fans to know only their most popular songs and cluelessly try to mumble the lyrics to the songs that they didnt know.

Surprisingly, this wasn't the case.

The exhuberant crowd knew every song, highlighting their growth in popularity since Young Chasers,

Though it has taken me 3 years to get tickets to see them, Circa Waves was not only evoked funny memories, they were bloody brilliant.

Hats off to them.
