Brexit who?

Theresa May, it seems we have fallen into a mouse trap here and one that we cannot escape from. I respect what you do for our country (I really do) however, this constant state of trepidation is not reducing.

When other countries are laughing at us it remains hard to be patriotic over Britains independence. Is Brexit really going to happen?

Our dancing queen recently refused to say in a BBC Panorama interview whether or not she 'believes in Brexit'.

Wow, that's definitely the confidence we all needed!
So, it seems like we're approaching Brexit in the same way I do when I don't revise for a test, *not advisable* completely winging it. And from my own experience, it has a 40% success rating.

However, it does resonate some confidence that the prime minister says she will not be pushed into watering down on her Brexit plan, according to the Sunday Telegraph.
I guess this means that the focus remains on the national interest and no compromises will be made.

So, what will happen when the 29th March rolls in on us?

Will Freddos now rise to £50 per bar?

According to the BBC, the day after the Brexit referendum the pound slumped. Alongside this, unemployment has continued to fall along with house prices, the lowest annual increase in 5 years.

Since the vote, travellers have found that their pound buys less.
Yes, immigration will be cut. But, we need to stop associating immigration as a negative concept. These are hard working people.

"They take all our jobs"... they take the factory jobs that nobody wants.

In a time when the hunger crisis still exists in countries such as Yemen, sufferers are trapped.

Unintentionally, I have only mentioned the negatives of Brexit so far. Perhaps Brexit could be the turning point in history, pushing other countries to follow in the same pathway.

We will be able to build a competitive economy outside the EU and make our own regulations.

Realistically, we need to believe in Brexit instead of hoping for another referendum - which will probably not happen.

Take advantage of the state we are in now because it will never be like this again. OR, it may be onwards and upwards.
